The Simple Way to Stronger Cycling 

A Complete Proven 5 Step System to Stronger, Faster, Smarter Road Cycling.

The Complete PROVEN 5 Step System To Stronger, Faster, Smarter Road Cycling

Download my definitive guide to Training, Bike Setup and Effective Fitness!

Fill in your details below to download your FREE guide. INSTANT ACCESS! 

Discover A Proven Training Structure For Your Overall Road Cycling Plan. Remove the guess work, embrace the strategies and learn about my simple 5 step system that will take your road cycling to the next level! 
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Fill in your details below to download your FREE guide. INSTANT ACCESS! 

Discover A Proven Training Structure For Your Overall Road Cycling Plan. Remove the guess work, embrace the strategies and learn about my simple 5 step system that will take your road cycling to the next level! 
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What This Guide Is Going To Teach You... and why you should download it today!

What This Guide Is Going To Teach You... and why you should download it today

This book has been specifically tailored to remove the technical jargon you often get with road cycling content, laying out the five critical elements you need to get right for stronger cycling.
  • Setting the bike up properly for optimal training
  • Integral skills for speed & handling
  • Building an aerobic base engine
  • ​Implementing high intensity training the right way
  • Learn how to be smart with limited training time
  • Learn to build greater cycling endurance
  • Learn how to improve strength and speed on the bike
  • ​Learn how to develop ‘cycling form’

Discover A Proven Training Structure For Your Overall Road Cycling Plan. 

My Journey Into Road Cycling

My Journey Into
Road Cycling

In 2017 I left the corporate world behind. Truth be known, while I proactively handed in my resignation, I was about to get fired for the first time in my life.

This is my story...
Hey! My names Cam Nicholls, 

and in 2017 I was about to get fired for the first time in my life. A bitter pill to swallow and a dent to the ego. But the silver lining was clear. I had been working on a passion project on the sidelines for 2 years prior - it was a cycling marketplace called Bike Chaser.

With some capital saved in the bank, I decided to use this opportunity to go full time on Bike Chaser.

Coming from a corporate client management and business development background - presenting and selling enterprise software solutions to big companies - I had A LOT to learn with Bike Chaser.

Not only about the cycling industry but also about the world of websites, SEO, and content creation.

It was through content creation that I found video. (and Youtube)
Hey! My names Cam Nicholls, 

and in 2017 I was about to get fired for the first time in my life. A bitter pill to swallow and a dent to the ego. But the silver lining was clear.

I had been working on a passion project on the sidelines for 2 years prior - it was a cycling marketplace called Bike Chaser.

With some capital saved in the bank, I decided to use this opportunity to go full time on Bike Chaser.

Coming from a corporate sales background - selling enterprise software solutions to big companies - I had A LOT to learn with Bike Chaser.

Not only about the cycling industry but also the world of websites, SEO, and content creation.

It was through content creation that I found video. (and Youtube)
During my time creating content at Bike Chaser I met with an SEO expert. He said - if you want your articles to rank better on Google you need to make videos for them too!

Little did I know that this suggestion would turn into an almighty passion.

At the end of 2017, I dusted off my wife's old Canon DSLR camera, clicked it over to video mode, and never looked back. In fact, I became so passionate about creating video content that I parted ways with Bike Chaser in 2019 and moved full time on both YouTube and the Road Cycling Academy

It’s interesting when I reflect on this one... 

As part of creating cycling videos on YouTube, I started to share some of my tips/experiences on how I took my road cycling performance to another level. After being stuck on a plateau for 4 years!

During my time creating content at Bike Chaser I met with an SEO expert. He said - if you want your articles to rank better on Google you need to make videos for them too!

Little did I know that this suggestion would turn into an almighty passion.

At the end of 2017, I dusted off my wife's old Canon DSLR camera, clicked it over to video mode, and never looked back.

In fact, I became so passionate about creating video content that I parted ways with Bike Chaser in 2019 and moved full time on both YouTube and the Road Cycling Academy.

It’s interesting when I reflect back on this one.

As part of creating cycling videos on YouTube, I started to share some of my tips/experiences on how I took my road cycling performance to another level.  After being stuck on a plateau for 4 years!

The first video I published on training was called ‘The Number One Mistake Cyclists Make in Training’. Not only did I enjoy putting that video together, it took off! It’s been one of my most popular videos of all time with over 200K views. Subsequent to this video taking off, I also created many other videos on training tips which have been highly successful.

The reason why I share this is because the engagement and positive feedback I received about these videos guided me to becoming a road cycling coach. YouTube basically said to me your good at this, keep doing it! So I got the official Cycling Australia certificate and became a registered coach!

As of today, I have trained hundreds of people directly and supported their cycling journey, which typically involves stepping off a plateau. I've had some athletes see an increase in their FTP's of over 30% in a 3 month period, including one athlete who won an A grade race! (All the way from C grade)
The first video I published on training was called ‘The Number One Mistake Cyclists Make in Training’. Not only did I enjoy putting that video together, it took off! It’s been one of my most popular videos of all time with over 200K views.

Subsequent to this video taking off, I also created many other videos on training tips which have been highly successful.

The reason why I share this is because the engagement and positive feedback I received about these videos guided me to becoming a road cycling coach.

YouTube basically said to me your good at this, keep doing it! So I got the Cycling Australia certificate and became an official coach!

As of today, I have trained hundreds of people directly and supported their cycling journey, which typically involves stepping off a plateau.

With some athletes seeing an increase in the FTP of over 30% in a 3 month period and winning A grade races! (All the way from C grade)

In a nutshell, I just really got a kick out of seeing other passionate riders succeed! 

What Some Of My Previous Clients Have To Say...

These guys all started their journey by downloading my FREE EBOOK and progressed from there
These guys all started their journey by downloading my FREE EBOOK and progressed into other programs from there.

It all starts with my FREE guide! Get your copy today...  


“Learning how and when to go hard, when to recovery, and when to rest properly, has transformed my training” 


"My FTP increase went from 224 watts to 323 watts in less than 4 months. During this time I went from C grade in the local Zwift club races to winning an A grade race"


"In 14 weeks I increased my FTP on 218 watts to 300 watts on the dot. I translated that FTP onto the road by keeping up the front with the best riders"


With limited time to train “I was looking for something that could help me close the gap to be fit for an upcoming event, and with this program I’ve found that to be 100% the case. The framework and structure is easy to follow and I’d recommend this course, it’s been a real winner.”

A Quick Recap And Why You Should Download My FREE Guide.. It's Time To Take your road cycling to the next level! 

What You're Going To Learn

  • Setting the bike up properly for optimal training
  • Integral skills for speed & handling
  • Building an aerobic base engine
  • ​Implementing high intensity training the right way
  • Learn how to be smart with limited training time
  • Learn to build greater cycling endurance
  • Learn how to improve strength and speed on the bike
  • ​Learn how to develop ‘cycling form’

A Quick Recap And Why You Should Download My FREE Guide.. Take your road cycling to the next level! 

What You're Going To Learn

  • Setting the bike up properly for optimal training
  • Integral skills for speed & handling
  • Building an aerobic base engine
  • ​Implementing high intensity training the right way
  • Learn how to be smart with limited training time
  • Learn to build greater cycling endurance
  • Learn how to improve strength and speed on the bike
  • ​Learn how to develop ‘cycling form’
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